Group Conhexa is decarbonizing in line with the recommendations of “France 2030”

Group Conhexa is decarbonizing in line with the recommendations of “France 2030”, which aims to reduce companies’ CO2 emissions by 40%. The Conhexa Group is committed achieving its goal of reducing its carbon footprint on a daily basis. The decarbonisation objective, refers to the reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other emissions of greenhouse gases […]

Conhexa is committed to the future of our planet!

As Conhexa, we attach great importance to the environment and sustainability. Two very important themes on which we have focused more than ever in recent years.  For example, we are committed to OBJECTIFCO2, which aims to reduce the CO2 emissions of its subsidiary Hexatrans by 8%! But also by supporting Pure Ocean Fund. Its main […]

Good news for Conhexa and its partners:

Conhexa Logisitics is BRC certified for the sixth consecutive year.You can continue to trust us for impeccable quality and seamless management of your management of your supply chain.  The excellent AA rating confirms that Conhexa guarantees quality in all circumstances. Congratulations to the entire team for obtaining the BRC certification.

An additional 5,000 m² for the storage of dry and fresh products.

Logistics has always been a very important part of the fresh produce supply chain. However, over the past 18 months, it has become a major challenge and a critical factor for importers and exporters alike. Not only have they had to deal with complicated new regulations and red tape since the Brexit took effect. They […]

The logistics group Conhexa celebrates its 45th anniversary!

In 1993, André Dejonghe, founder of the group, answered the call of the Grand Port Maritime de Dunkerque, which was looking for a logistics company to comply with the sanitary requirements for the management of imported foodstuffs. André immediately understood the opportunity and the potential offered by this exceptional geographical location! The port area, then […]

Objective CO2

Conhexa is committed to the environment with OBJECTIFSCO2 and aims to reduce the CO2 emissions of its subsidiary Hexatrans by 8%! Through the continuous training of our drivers to respect eco-driving, the preventive maintenance of our vehicles, the accentuated management of the fuel post and the control of the vehicles’ rounds, we will achieve it! […]

The ConHexa Group is committed to its teams!

“Between training and sharing moments”. On September 24th and 25th, 2020, the ConHexa Group organized for its sites of Loon-Plage Fire and First Aid trainings for its employees. Indeed, in spite of the COVID-19, the ConHexa Group continues to train its teams, but this year our trainings are masked! These trainings were also the occasion […]

PRESS ARTICLE – LA GAZETTE – A new warehouse for logistics company Duncold

New warehouse for the logistics company Duncold Established in the port of Dunkirk since 1993, Belgian temperature-controlled logistics company Duncold has just invested in the renovation of a 5,000 m2 warehouse, which it acquired in 2019, bringing its fresh produce storage capacity to 33,000 m2. Click on the link to read the full article: